

Beijing Happy Valley is a theme park built by the Overseas Chinese Town Group (OCT) with 20 years of expertise and 4 years of dedication. While being the bellwether of Beijing’s culture industry, the park is also a masterpiece in China’s modern tourism. The dynamic, fashionable, happy and fantastic culture of the park makes it a symbol of experience tourism in Beijing.
북경해피밸리는화교성그룹에서20년간쌓아온전업경험을바탕으로,4년에거쳐서야심차게내놓은테마생태파크이며,북경 문화산업영역에서는선구자역할을하구있으며,중국현대관광에서도대표물로손꼽힐정도입니다.테마파크는레이저,트랜드, 즐거움,판타지등인문매력을뿜으며,북경내체험관광의메카로자리매김을했습니다.







Lying to the southeast of Sifangqiao, Dongsihuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Happy Valley covers an area of 560,000 square meters, which is composed of seven theme areas – Wild Flord, Aegean Harbor, Lost Maya, Shangri-la, Dessert Kingdom, Island of Atlas, and Happy Time, including more than 60 cultural and ecological scenic spots, more than 40 amusement rides, and more than 20 themed games and commercial facilities. With nearly 100 performances each day and six major festive events each year, diverse entertainment activities are available all day and all seasons. The park is a place for pleasure in such a metropolis of Beijing and is a go-to destination for all. 북경해피밸리테마파크는조양구동4환사방교동남쪽에위치하구있으며,부지면적56만평방제곱미터에달하며,협만살림,까리브해,추락마야,샹글리라,스위티왕국, 원고문명,아틀란티스,해피시즌등7대주제로이루어져있으며,총60여가지인문생태테마경관과40여가지오락시설기구,20여종테마게임이랑각종상업부대시설들이 자리잡고있습니다.매일근100여차례의테마퍼레이드가펼쳐지구있으며,연중으로6대주제로축제도열리구있으며,주야를가리지않구다양한프레이드파티가열리구 있습니다.1년사계절찾아오는분들한테즐거움을안겨주는해피밸리는경성번화도시의즐거움을선사하는장소입니다.

北京欢乐谷继2006年盛大开业后,秉承华侨城主题旅游公园“三年磨一剑”以及“精品欢乐谷、常看常新”的经营理念,2010年7月1日,斥资2.5亿打造的二期项目欢乐2.0横空出世,引入时下最前卫、最流行的汽车文化主题。2014年5月31日,总投资5亿元、占地5万平方米的三期爱琴港区改造项目盛装开业,开启“全人群、全感官、全季节、全天候”的全民欢乐新纪元,进入欢乐3.0时代。2018年5月1日,四期项目重磅开启,追加10亿巨资,改建10万平米,全面升级改造“蚂蚁王国”主题区域,引进水上飞机、家庭过山车等世界顶尖级游乐项目,甜蜜走进欢乐4.0时代。2019年,五期项目接力出世, “香格里拉”区域全新升级,音乐过山车、大漂流等带来新的欢乐体验,欢乐5.0时代已经到来。2021年,欢乐谷全新发布六期·天光夜谭。核心重磅之作《欢乐魔方》、《奇幻东方》等,实现了业内多个突破、开创行业多个先河。2022年,天光夜谭PLUS强势发布,全新推出《盖世英雄》、《玩宠归来》两场大秀及《太空·盒子》策展型社交玩味消费空间,打造新国潮·融演艺。

Ever since its grand kick-off in 2006, Happy Valley has been run under theprinciples of “3-year efforts for a great park” and “a new Happy Valley each visit” proposed by OCT forits theme parks.On July 1, 2010, Happy 2.0, the phase II project with the costs of RMB 250 million, was open. Theproject is themed by automobiles, the then most trending and popular theme. On May 31, 2014, the Aegean Harbor area, or the phase III renovation project, was completed and open to the public. With the investment of RMB 500 million, the area takes up an area of 50,000 square meters. The aim was to start a new era of happiness for all people, all senses,all seasons and all weathers – the era of Happy 3.0. On May 1, 2018, we witnessed the mind-blowing kick-off of the phase IV project. With 1-billion-yuan investment and the construction involving 100,000 square meters of land, the Ant Kingdom area was upgraded all around by introducing the seaplane, the family rollercoaster and other world-class rides. We thereby switched to the Happy 4.0 era with sweetness. In 2019, the phase V project took the momentum to completely upgrade the Shangri-la area. As the musical rollercoaster and the grand drift bring with them brand new experience,Happy 5.0 isalready here. In 2021, Beijing Happy Valley released a new six-phase project: The Sunlight of Night.  As the core works of this project,  "Happy Cube" and "Oriental Fantasy" have achieved many breakthroughs and created many pioneers in the industry.  In 2022, the upgraded version of The Sunlight of Night was released with a strong launch of two new shows,  "GAISHI Hero " and "Return of Pets, as well as the interesting social consumption space "Space Box ",  which jointly created the integrated performance of New China-Chic.

Flight of Himalayan Eagle · Music Roller Coaster

Drifting on the Yarlung Tsangpo River

The Journey of Odyssey

Family Inverted Coaster

Gingerbread Carousel

Twin Towers Heroes

Golden Wings over the Snowfield · Suspended Roller Coaster

Crystal Wing

Snowland Survival · Bumper cars

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